Ordering Instructions...
Our inventory listings are updated daily and you can purchase items on-line by completing the check-out procedures outlined below.
We accept on-line payments through PayPal. All on-line orders are confirmed via e-mail.
Ordering is Easy!
Browse inventory and make a selection by clicking on Buy Button. Item will be added to Shopping Cart.
Continue Shopping or click on Check Out link to place order.
Enter customer details on purchase order.
Complete Check Out form.
Kick back and relax while waiting for your package to arrive.
All merchandise is secured at our bank vault until being shipped promptly after receiving clear funds. Orders paid by PayPal, money
order or certified funds are normally shipped within two business days. Personal checks require 7 business days to clear. You can check the status of your order at any time
by clicking here view order status and entering your order id and email address.
I do look at each and every coin that goes out the door and handle all orders myself. But, being a one-person operation, things must occasionally be put on hold while I'm
attending coin shows or away on business. Please see my out-of-office/show schedule appearing in the "news"section to the right of this page for further details.